Natalie's Poems and Tim Burton's Poems.
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Natalie Bowling is a 15 year old girl who writes poems. Here is a small selection from her anthology:

Raspberry Pavlova, splattered on the road.

Betty-Bob hedgehog, eating pavlova,
Sat on the Motorway,
When along came a spider
And sat down beside her
And stole her pavlova away.

Betty-Bob cried, 'Thief thief!
Still it wasn't my sirloin of beef.'
The spider crossed the dual carriageway
But he died that day
Run down by Mrs O'Keefe.

The raspberry pavlova splattered on the road,
It even hit poor Mr Toad,
The spider blood became a fountain
His body buried upon a mountain
Now Betty is distracted by the depeche mode.

The thing on the hill

The thing on the hill
Only comes out at night
It'll jump out at you
And give you a fright.

The thing on the hill
They call it 'The Beast'
It makes wolf-like noises
But doesn't exist

The thing on the hill
Is from Father Ted
It roams the moors
And its howl comes from a stereo

My tears make a rainbow.

My tears of joy and sadness
Fall down my face in gladness
They catch the morning sunlight
It makes everything so right

My tears may make a rainbow
So many; across my torso
It looks like nothing else
The rainbow hits the shells

It travels across the sea
Far from you or me
To another, better land
My tears, they last forever, and

They travel down through me
They travel to the sea
Just wait until the sun does glow
My tears will make a rainbow
Just for you.

The Story of Pinky.

Pinky wandered down the open highway.
"Hey, durlin, what u doin here?" asked a concerned villager.
Pinky collapsed to the floor and everything went black.
Pinky woke up in an alien experimentation room.
"Aaaaaaarghh" she cried.
Then everything went black.
Pinky arose in a strip club.
"Aaaaaaaarghhh!" she cried,
"I'm a stripper!"
Then everything went black.
Pinky woke up back on the street. Thank goodness it was all a dream. Then she turned over and went back to sleep in her cardboard box.
The End.

Ode to a Sheep.

Florence ws a pretty sheep
She'd always bleat with gusto
But now she's lying in a heap
I am still alive though.

Her friend Fred was much in love
With Florence, o he was,
But he had an affair with a whore named 'dove'
So very upset was Floz.

She threatened to take a drug overdose
Of where she'd obtain them I'm not sure
Her attempts were more than close
Ecstatic was 'dove' the whore.

Not even a proper funeral was had
Her bones made into glue,
Fred was surprisingly, very sad
'Dove' felt guilty too.


Board pen, zinc, grey
Light, statement, tray

Why oh why so much vocab
A lot of it in the chemistry lab

English, of course is next on the list
But most of the time, in it I'm pissed

In Spanish and French we keep a list
Of helpful phrases we might have missed

I hate words, all of them
Especially the ones we use in Chem

Acids, alkalis, what the hell?
The Chem lab has a horrible smell

Or maybe its the teachers who stink
My brain hurts, I cannot think
Escaping words swirl down the sink.

Plastic Knife

There's another one gone
Its all just a crappy con
Getting us to eat with plastic knives
Not silver like all good housewives.
This play on words is making me feel
All by myself
Don't wanna be
All by myself.
But, alas, that is how I must live my life,
Sitting here alone with this broken plastic knife
I really hate lessons, especially chem,
I wanna be free as a bird; to fly like them;
Is a wish I wish a lot
Especially when its all stuffy and hot
And we're stuck in Spanish
Then I wish I could banish
The teachers. Maybe a plastic knife
Could be a magic wand, and end all strife
Or I could attack them
With my knife in Chem
But no, its just a stupid old boring
Old broken plastic knife.

Tingle Tanga Tonga.

In Tingle Tanga Tonga,
All the men go "Bonga!"
Just like in Australionga
When all the men go "Bonza!"

In the land of Wanga Wonga
All the women go "Shonga!"
Just like in Australionga
When they go "Ashonga!"

In the land of Catamaronga,
All the sheep go "Yonga!"
Just like in Australionga
When the sheep go "G'day!"

Tim Burton. Some consider him a bloke. Others, a genius. Myself, I think he may be some form of mutant monkey-gorilla hybrid. Oh yeah, and he does films and poems and stuff. Yeah.

Stick Boy and Match Girl in Love.

Stick Boy liked Match Girl,
He liked her a lot.
He liked her cute figure,
he thought she was hot.

But could a flame ever burn
for a match and a stick?
It did quite literally;
he burned up quick.

The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy.

He proposed in the dunes,

they were wed by the sea,

Their nine-day-long honeymoon
was on the isle of Capri.

For their supper they had one specatular dish-
a simmering stew of mollusks and fish.
And while he savored the broth,
her bride's heart made a wish.

That wish came true-she gave birth to a baby.
But was this little one human
Well, maybe.

Ten fingers, ten toes,
he had plumbing and sight.
He could hear, he could feel,
but normal?
Not quite.
This unnatural birth, this canker, this blight,
was the start and the end and the sum of their plight.

She railed at the doctor:
"He cannot be mine.
He smells of the ocean, of seaweed and brine."

"You should count yourself lucky, for only last week,
I treated a girl with three ears and a beak.
That your son is half oyster
you cannot blame me.
... have you ever considered, by chance,
a small home by the sea?"

Not knowing what to name him,
they just called him Sam,
or sometimes,
"that thing that looks like a clam"

Everyone wondered, but no one could tell,
When would young Oyster Boy come out of his shell?

When the Thompson quadruplets espied him one day,
they called him a bivalve and ran quickly away.

One spring afternoon,
Sam was left in the rain.
At the southwestern corner of Seaview and Main,
he watched the rain water as it swirled
down the drain.

His mom on the freeway
in the breakdown lane
was pouding the dashboard-
she couldn't contain
the ever-rising grief,
and pain.

"Really, sweetheart," she said
"I don't mean to make fun,
but something smells fishy
and I think it's our son.
I don't like to say this, but it must be said,
you're blaming our son for your problems in bed."

He tried salves, he tried ointments
that turned everything red.
He tried potions and lotions
and tincture of lead.
He ached and he itched and he twitched and he bled.

The doctor diagnosed,
"I can't quite be sure,
but the cause of the problem may also be the cure.
They say oysters improve your sexual powers.
Perhaps eating your son
would help you do it for hours!"

He came on tiptoe,
he came on the sly,
sweat on his forehead,
and on his lips-a lie.
"Son, are you happy? I don't mean to pry,
but do you dream of Heaven?
Have you ever wanted to die?

Sam blinked his eye twice.
but made no reply.
Dad fingered his knife and loosened his tie.

As he picked up his son,
Sam dripped on his coat.
With the shell to his lips,
Sam slipped down his throat.

They burried him quickly in the sand by the sea
-sighed a prayer, wept a tear-
and they were back home by three.

A cross of greay driftwood marked Oyster Boy's grave.
Words writ in the sand
promised Jesus would save.

But his memory was lost with one high-tide wave.

Roy, the Toxic Boy.

To those who knew him
-his friends-
we called him Roy.
To others he was known
as that horrible Toxic Boy.

He loved ammonia and asbestos,
and lots of cigarette smoke.
What he breathed in for air
would make other people choke!

His very favorite toy
was a can of aerosol spray;
he'd sit quietly and shake it,
and spray it all the day.

He'd stand inside the garage
in the early-morning frost,
waiting for the car to start
and fill him with exhaust.

The one and only time
I ever saw Toxic Boy cry
was when some sodium chloride
got into his eye.

One day for fresh air
they put him in the garden.

His face went deathly pale
and his body began to harden.

The final gasp of his short life
was sickly with despair.
Whoever thought that you could die
from breathing outdoor air?

As Roy's soul left his body
we all said a silent prayer.
It drifted up to heaven
and left a hole in the ozone layer.

Junk Girl.

There once was a girl
who was made up of junk.
She looked really dirty,
and she smelled like a skunk.

She was always unhappy,
or in one of her slumps-perhaps 'cause she spent
so much time down in the dumps.

The only bright moment
was from a guy named Stan.
He was from the neighborhood
garbage man.

He loved her a lot
and made a marriage proposal,
but she already thrown herself
in the garbage disposal.

The Girl with many Eyes.

One day in the park
I had quite a surprise.
I met a girl
who had many eyes.

She was really quite pretty
(and also quite shocking!)
and I noticed she had a mouth,
so we ended up talking.

We talked about flowers,
and her poetry classes,
and the problems she'd have
if she ever wore glasses.

It's great to know a girl
who has so many eyes,
but you really get wet
when she breaks down and cries.

Stick Boy's Festive Season.

Stick Boy noticed that his Christmas tree looked healthier
than he did.



Go to Natalie's site at: It will eventually have some poems on it.
Read more of Tim Burton's poems at 'Tis good.