Pointless Poems.
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They're not really pointless.
Right, so most of these poems aren't actually pointless. They must have some point or no-one would have written them. But often the point is so deep and well hidden that we miss it completely. Then there are my poems, which really have no point.
How do you choose your poems?
They have to meet several criteria:
1. Is it random? - Yes
2. Do you learn anything from it? - No,
3. If yes to 2, is what you learn of any use to you whatsoever? - No
That's about it.
It's a smiley face.
What more do you want? Oh, I see. You want a visible smiley face. Well, someone's picky, aren't they!

Suggested authors.
If any of you know of any poets who write poems that meet my criteria, let me know at amazing_grace_for_eternity@hotmail.com
Send an email to me now.

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Its an artistic sunset. Just right for inspiring pointless poems.
